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+49 2761 5122


a success story that is more than 25 years old

In the past twenty-five years and more, we have made a name for ourselves in the area of CAFM. DynaSphere sets technological trends in a toughly competitive and dynamic market with our powerful data base solutions. Our innovative approach and best-in-class applications are highly appreciated by our customers. With our close relationships to customers, we stand for personal services, powerful technology, individual solutions, trusting cooperation and long-term collaboration with our customers.

From our beginnings to today


Initial programmes will be launched in a new design and with new basic technology (Qt).For all operating systems (Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS, Linux), for all devices (desktop, mobile) Online and offline collection of data with automatic synchronisation to connected DB systems.


Qt will be launched as a second development technology.


Use of barcodes and transponders for the conclusive identification of IDs


Introduction of the CAFM real estate management module


DynaSphere wird multilingual. Menüführung und Datenhaltung für fast alle Sprachvarianten, einschließlich nah- und fernöstliche.


Introduction of a system for donation management First customer is the Children's hospice in Olpe (D)


Introduction of the CAFM for hotels First customer is renowned five-star Hotel Baur au Lac in Zurich (CH)


The first web-based data base is home to a photo data base including online-shop


The first Internet data base is developed


An up-to-date generation of data bases offers new solutions for heritage conservation


The first data base for archaeological heritage conservation is developed


Heribert Wrede and Dr Alfred Weis founded the company with headquarters in Olpe